woensdag 17 oktober 2007

Opwekking in Nederland

Bron: "zankaman"

Vannacht liet God me een beeld zien over Nederland. Ik zag boven Nederland stormwolken en er was bliksem en donder. De bliksem sloeg meerdere keren in bij verschillende kerkgebouwen, en naarmate dat vaker gebeurde, werden deze helemaal zwart. Er waren Christenen binnen in deze kerkgebouwen, de meesten, echter niet alle, waren van top tot teen bedekt met modder. Op Gods bevel verscheen er een engel, die de kerkgebouwen moest gaan schudden om de mensen eruit te halen en naarmate de kerken meer geschud werden, kwamen de mensen er ook echt uit. Buiten vormden ze kringen, waar ze God gingen aanbidden en precies boven deze kringen ging de hemel open en scheen er licht naar beneden. De modder verdween als sneeuw voor de zon, naarmate ze meer in dit licht waren. Het aantal kringen vermeerderde zich zodat het licht doorbrak, de storm verdween opeens.

Uitleg: De storm is een beeld van de Overste van de macht der lucht, Satan, die door middel van een sluier van zondige praktijken die op Nederland ligt, waaronder humanisme en immoraliteit, kerken in Nederland schade toebrengt, zodat deze zwart zijn. In plaats van dat de kerk invloed op de samenleving uitoefent, gaat het andersom. God wil de kerken, met hun systemen en structuren, gaan schudden. De kerk als instituut lijkt steeds meer te gaan verdwijnen en Christenen gaan kringen vormen, waar de heilige Geest de ruimte krijgt om te werken. Naarmate meer christenen gaan bidden, gaat het geestelijk klimaat in Nederland veranderen, waardoor er meer openheid komt voor het Evangelie.

1 opmerking:

  1. Word of the Lord for Holland spoken by prophet Roger Teale on the 20th of October 2007

    I hear no sound says the Lord from this country. For though there is a noise, it is distant like a drum. And the Lord would say I cannot understand it, for would it worship Me this drum that pound so loudly? And what does this drum say? Who can understand the sound of the drum? Is it a drum of war? Is it a message of good tidings? Is it a message says the Lord of a birth? Has a child been born to one who is barren? Yes says the Lord, this country is barren. And yes says the Lord, it has not brought forth. And yes says the Lord, would I travail for this continent? Would I send those from across the waters to stir this pot, to look deep within the souls of this people?

    For yes says the Lord, I know thine heart Holland and I know, says the Lord, how thou goes back into the ancients. For the times, yeah of many years gone, much wickedness was rooted says the Lord in this nation. And yeah, the spirits and the principalities bound a haven here. And therefore they have setup their temple, they have setup their place and they have set their authority on all leavels of your society. And therefore says the Lord, this country is oppressed. It is bound says the Lord. There are those that have brought tradition and doctrines that are not according to My word. There are those that are suspicious and communicate with spirits. But yeah says the Lord I have extended my mercy for this time. To bring from among those who are not, those that are of no account. But I shall move greatly says the Lord. I shall move in obscurity in those says the Lord that are hungering for me. And yeah those that are in high places shall be brought low. And those that are in the low places shall be brought high. For I shall purge this land from its iniquity, from its filthyness whereby they shall cry and say: “no more, no more shall the mark of evil be replaced upon this continent!”. For even the crown of authority will be shaken in this country. Even from the High House, even from thy government, whereby I shall remove those of influence that have spoiled says the Lord My resting place.

    For know this says the Lord that the word that is spoken this night shall be given as a sign to thy. For even says the Lord as the waters covers the sea, surely says the Lord even the dyke will not hold and the water shall rise and it cannot be contained. And though the mind of men have skill and wisdom, he will find that his mind is dull. The arrow is not found in the quiver. The key will not unlock the door. The plug cannot be found to stop. For the Lord would say I bring not judgement upon thy that the waters would cover the earth again. But surely says the Lord, even in the month of April next year as I have began to move from this night, I am giving you even that would hear this word space and time that thou may prepare yourselves for that which I will do. Therefore this word comes to thy not to cause thy to mourn. I will save thine house and all thy kind, thou shall not be overrun.

    But yeah says the Lord that Europe is now making a league in Brussels with certain men and certain accounts. Whereby says the Lord the wealth of that which is to be will be shifted from the United States and brought into the coffers of the European nations. But yeah says the Lord the north parts, even the Sovjet Union, have considered that no league can be made with the apple of Mine eye. Therefore Israel will be soly pressed (?) by the nations of the world. And Holland will be an accuser also. Therefore says the Lord I will spare those that are mine. But as for the continent and as for my judgements they will be swift and they will be sure. Therefore this word comes that thou may draw nigh to Me. And I am willing to draw nigh to thy if you will repent and turn to Me with all your heart. You have heart this night says the Lord of a connection. This night connect with Me says the Lord, let your eyes behold Me and trust Me and seak Me with all your heart. For I am looking, I am searching for men and women that I might find them that I destroy not. Therefore the hope of the prophet and the hope of the soul drives you this night as a nail that is fast that it cannot be loosed. Bind thyselve, bind your mind, bind your soul to My word and it shall preserve thy says the Lord.

    Also listen to: http://www.rogerteale.org/content/107/644/
